Lesson 9: Inventory (Tutorial)
This module is not available for Supervisors, you need to have Irrigation / Lead / Admin profile.
By the end of the training you will learn:
Know where the Inventory screen is and it's components.
Understand the information on the screens
- Understand the naming and unit types
- Learn how to make an entry
As a Senior Supervisor/Lead, you will also learn how to: (Advanced)
As an Admin, you will also learn how to: (Advanced)
Setup the Inventory and best practices.
- Access and download reports on the portal
- Learn how to use the reports for Certifications
1 - Get to know the Inventory
The Inventory was created as to help you:
- Keep Inventory up to date in a simple way
- Have updated records for tracking and certification purposes
- Make it easier to know when to reorder Items
- Integration with Water Tank consumption
How do I get to the Inventory?
Strawberry icon > Attendance List
What is the Inventory screen consists of?
- Stock: Here will access the stocks created, and the list of items that exist in them
- Items: This section you can see all the existing items and the amount in stock
- Item Types: These are the categories of Items, this is used for configuration and reports only.
Click on Stock
Select the Stock the product is located
- Locate the product and long press until the menu comes out
- Select the first option "Register consumption"
- Under "Consumption type" select if you are using a package or by quantity of the product (most common)
- Insert the amount
- Use the Note section to place a reference or other indication to show in the reports (Optional)
Other types of operations
1 - Review transactions
- Type of movement
- Date and time
- Amount, in this case (-0.2 units which equals 5kg)
- Amount before and after the operation ( was 7.6 units and became 7.4, which is 185kg)
2 - Adjust Quantity
When you need to adjust the quantities in stock due to:
- Adjustment: amount in stock is different than expected
- Waste: Item was degraded and cannot be used
- Defect: Item is defective and unusable
- Loss: Stolen or declare loss
We recommend to insert notes so that they will appear in reports used for Certification
3 - New Purchase
To log an entry to stock of the item (If you want to log multiples items, please use method described below)
4 - Transfer
If you need to move a certain amount of this item to another stock
5 - Delete
This requires the product to have 0(zero) in stock
How to log new stock (delivery from supplier)
- Click on Stock
- Click on the green button on the bottom right
- Insert the quantities on each product and save
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